Bible Devotion - 8/30/2021

The Window of Temptation Part 1

A certain fellow parked his car in a no-parking zone and left a note on the windshield that read, "I've circled the block for 20 minutes.  I'm late for an appointment, and if I don't park here I'll lose my job.  Forgive us our trespasses."

When he came back he found a parking ticket on his windshield and a note that read, "I've circled this block for 20 years, and if I don't give you a ticket, I'll lose my job.  Lead us not into temptation."
It has been often said that opportunity knocks only once, yet have you ever noticed temptation bangs on the door constantly?

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that there is no temptation that has taken us but "such as is common to man." The word "common" speaks of that which is human.  To be tempted is only human and to be human is to be tempted.

Let me go on record and say that all men face temptation.  And all women face temptation too. Temptation is as the Bible says a human and common experience.  The question that we should ask is, are we saying yes to temptation or are we saying no.
Oscar Wilde, the well-known British writer once said, "I can resist anything except temptation."  I am afraid he summed up the attitude and experience of many.

Instead of conquering temptation, many are conquered by temptation.  When tempted, instead of overcoming, many are overcome.

Such was the case of a young man that Solomon observed on one occasion.  There was an evening that Solomon was looking out his window and he saw a group of young men.  He wrote in Proverbs 7:6-7:  
"For at the window of my house I looked through my casement (lattice), And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding."

The word "youths" that he used primarily speaks of a son, so what Solomon saw was a group of boys, young men.  He described them as "simple ones."  The word "simple" means, "silly, naive, gullible."

I can imagine that he looked out his window and saw this group of young fellows walking down the street or standing on a street corner going on with the usual foolishness that goes on with a group of boys.  He watched as they laughed and joked with one another, cutting up and going on, acting silly.

But then his attention was drawn to one particular boy in the group.  In Solomon's own words, he "discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding" (Vs.7).  The word "discerned" describes how his attention was particularly drawn to the one youth.  Solomon spoke of this one youth as "void of understanding."  He saw him as one who was lacking in real judgment, one who was prone to make wrong decisions.
The reason he recognized that the youth was "void of understanding" was because Solomon watched him as he bid adieu to the rest of the group and turn down a certain street.  Solomon described the scene in Proverbs 7:8: "Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house."

The word "street" that is used is very enlightening.  It literally means a "back street."  The word "passing" means, "to cross over."  I can hear him as he said to the others, "Fellows, I got to run. I'll see you later."  He crosses the street and then turns down a back street.

Solomon watched as "he went the way to her house" (Vs.7).  The word "went" describes someone strolling along.  It literally means, "To tread pompously."  I can see him strolling casually along the street, going his merry way, and then as verse 10 tells us:
"And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart."  As he strolls along he comes upon a certain woman.  As verse 8 describes, she was standing on her corner, the place where she was usually found.  Notice how Solomon described this woman. Solomon describes how she was dressed in a very enticing and seductive way.  The way she was dressed revealed who she was, what she was, and what she wanted.  In verse 10 he speaks of her as being "subtil of heart."  She was very crafty and cunning in heart.  Her purpose on that street corner was obvious.

Verse eleven said she was "loud."  The word "loud" speaks of a "loud noise" and was sometimes descriptive of a hum.  She sees the young man coming: "H-m-m-m-m," she says, "How are you? Need some company, Big Boy?"

Solomon also speaks of her as being "stubborn" in verse 11.  It would seem that at first the young man said no, but she doesn't give up so easily.  She was very persistent.  She doesn't walk off and start looking for another customer.

Verse 13 tells us "she caught him, and kissed him."  The word "caught" speaks of how she restrained him.  I can see her as she steps in front of him, begins running her fingers through his hair, and over his body.  She began to kiss him and say, "Oh, come on sweetie. We can have a good time together."

She says in verses 16-18: "I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. [17] I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. [18] Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves."
She offers him her bed and body.  She says, "Come on in my place and I show you a really good time."  With her looks, touch, and seductive words, she seeks to appeal to the young man.  The result: (vs. 21)
"With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him."

Underscore the word "yield."  With her persuasive, seductive, smooth talk, she caused the young man to yield.  With her flattering speech she seduced him.

Solomon watched out his window and saw a young man "void of understanding", a young man make the wrong decision, a young man that came face to face with temptation and yield to the temptation that confronted him.  As Solomon looked out his window, he not only saw one guilty of the world's oldest profession, but one guilty of the world's oldest problem-yielding to temptation.
Let's look through the window of Solomon and seek to learn lessons that will help us to respond in a different way when confronted by temptation.

The first lesson that I want us to learn as we look through Solomon's window is:
Let me remind you that the same thing that happened to this young man can happen to any of us.  Each of us can find ourselves in tempting situations and there is the potential that each of us can yield to that temptation.

Oh, there may be some who think they are not vulnerable and some who may boast that they will never do certain things, but notice carefully verse 26:
"For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her."

Notice carefully that Solomon says "many strong men" had been lured into her seductive web.  Some of the greatest, some of the mightiest, some of the strongest have yielded to temptation.  There is not one among us that is immune from temptation and not one among us in which there is not the potential of yielding to temptation.

John Wycliffe said:
"Let no man think himself to be holy because he is not tempted, for the holiest and highest in life have the most temptations.  How much higher the hill is, so much is the wind there greater; so, how much higher life is, so much the stronger is the temptation of the enemy."

Wycliffe reminds us that the higher we rise, the greater the temptation, and the greater the temptation, the greater the potential of yielding to temptation.  No, we must never consider ourselves above yielding to temptation or falling into sin.

Look at the case of the young man that Solomon observed through his window and let me draw your attention to a couple of reasons he became a victim of temptation.

The simple truth of the matter is that this young man was in a place where he should not have been and around a person he should not have been around.  There was both a place and a person he should have avoided.

One of the reasons this young man became a victim of temptation is that he put himself in a situation that should have been avoided.

He turned down a backstreet.  No doubt this was an area that had a certain reputation.  I can't help but believe the young man knew about this area.  Maybe someone had told him about the girls working the streets and he thought he would check the area out.

We noticed earlier that he was just strolling along.  Maybe his plan was to just pass through the area, see whom he could see and what he could see.  Yet, because he placed himself in a tempting situation, he became a victim of temptation.

 I read about a little boy named Alexander that was trying to save all the pennies he could in order to buy a baseball bat.  But as with all little boys, saving his money was not all that easy. One night when he was saying his prayers, his mother heard him praying:
"O Lord, please help me save my money for a baseball bat.  And, God, don't let the ice cream man come down this street!"

The young man Solomon watched from his window should have prayed, "Lord, don't let me go down this street."  By going down this back street, her street, he placed himself in a situation that only paved the way for him to be tempted.  It was a situation that should have been avoided.

Notice verse 9: "In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night."  There is mention of three different times: the twilight, the evening, and the black, dark night.  These different times seem to suggest that this young man continue to walk up and down the street.  He was there for several hours, no doubt, as I said earlier, to see whom and what he could see.

One commentator stated that he loitered around the corner where this woman was known to be. He writes:
"On the street he went backwards and forwards, yet so that he kept near to her corner."  

Just to be where he was only exposed him to temptation.  But to stay in that area for several hours only invited temptation.

We will finish the text next week, but I want to close this week’s lesson with a statement for you to take with you this week.  When we put ourselves in tempting situations, we are exposing ourselves to temptation and ultimately can’t blame anyone else when we give in to the temptation.

As with this young man, there are situations that must be avoided at all cost.

Bro. Jeff

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